We got some great knives for our wedding a while back and today I was cleaning one of those knives (since I have been told that the washing machine will make your knives dull in a hurry.) I managed to run the blade of the knife next to my finger and it left its mark. Now before you freak out and think that I sliced off my finger, I didn't. It is really a small cut, and a really great knife. The point of all this is the top of the band aid box that I used to bandage my poor, poor finger. The top of this box said, "You are going to be just fine!" Now I know that the box is not a doctor and they really don't know if you are going to be fine but I still felt pretty good reading that.
Since I have had all these rashes I have been on the internet a lot trying to figure out the best way to tackle it. Many medical websites will make you feel that you are on death's door because of a bug bite. Not the band-aid box, it was re-assuring! It said, "You cut your finger, you be smart and take care of it, you will be fine."
P.S. My finger is doing a lot better, as are all of my assorted rashes and bites. I am on steroids now!