Monday, June 10, 2013

New and Improved?

Well folks, I am back. I guess that happens when I go to school and get really busy. But now it is summer, and with a few days of doing very little I find myself in need of starting fresh.

There have been some changes this year. My husband and I have bought a house and are learning the joys and the not-so-joys of home ownership. I have almost completed my Master's program, with just my Capstone project to finish and my Comprehensive Exams left to take. I stopped drinking any caffeine (which is not an easy thing to do for me) and I stopped eating meat. I of course am still reading and am delighted with the time I have to read what I want for a change.

This year at school has also been a difficult one. I enjoy my job, for the most part I really enjoy the students. I also have some great co-workers. This year I had a few very challenging students, and a very challenging educational advocate who was on my case for an entire semester. I always had my co-workers to get me through it. At the end of this year, many of the co-workers that I lean on, decided to leave the school. Making me wonder what the next year is going to hold for me. I am really nervous, but determined to continue to work as hard as I have been and do my job to the best of my abilities.

Once again, it is hot, and I am saving money for our new house and our new dog and other kitties and other interests. So even though I have a lot of work to do this summer, I am staying in, throwing tennis balls for my dog to catch as my cats sit on my lap, and reading. (I am quite talented) I have work to do around the house but it has gotten too hot to be out in the heat of the day. So to keep myself busy, there will be lots and lots of reading.

First up will be Admission by Jean Hanff Korelitz. I found this book on Pinterest on a list of books to read before they become movies. So I decided to kick off my summer reading with it!