Monday, June 10, 2013

New and Improved?

Well folks, I am back. I guess that happens when I go to school and get really busy. But now it is summer, and with a few days of doing very little I find myself in need of starting fresh.

There have been some changes this year. My husband and I have bought a house and are learning the joys and the not-so-joys of home ownership. I have almost completed my Master's program, with just my Capstone project to finish and my Comprehensive Exams left to take. I stopped drinking any caffeine (which is not an easy thing to do for me) and I stopped eating meat. I of course am still reading and am delighted with the time I have to read what I want for a change.

This year at school has also been a difficult one. I enjoy my job, for the most part I really enjoy the students. I also have some great co-workers. This year I had a few very challenging students, and a very challenging educational advocate who was on my case for an entire semester. I always had my co-workers to get me through it. At the end of this year, many of the co-workers that I lean on, decided to leave the school. Making me wonder what the next year is going to hold for me. I am really nervous, but determined to continue to work as hard as I have been and do my job to the best of my abilities.

Once again, it is hot, and I am saving money for our new house and our new dog and other kitties and other interests. So even though I have a lot of work to do this summer, I am staying in, throwing tennis balls for my dog to catch as my cats sit on my lap, and reading. (I am quite talented) I have work to do around the house but it has gotten too hot to be out in the heat of the day. So to keep myself busy, there will be lots and lots of reading.

First up will be Admission by Jean Hanff Korelitz. I found this book on Pinterest on a list of books to read before they become movies. So I decided to kick off my summer reading with it!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Young Lit for My Students (and me)

Lately I have thrown myself into some youth literature. I say that it is to pre-read for my students to see if I should buy a copy for my room, and it may have started out like that but it turned into something a lot more. A friend of mine was talking about these books she was reading at the beginning of the summer, I had the first book and I decided to give it a go. This was City of Bones I wrote about earlier. I was hooked. Cassandra Clare is in the process of writing two series dealing with the same basic concepts; Shadowhunters. I made the mistake of trying to explain this concept to a friend of mine and I failed.... miserably. So I am not going to try it here, I have learned my lesson. These stories are written for young adults, like the dreaded Twilight series. I have to admit that I liked the Twilight books when I first read them and then they were ruined by the movies. These two series make the teenage girl inside a happy girl.

My hubby has learned this lesson...

The Mortal Instruments Series: City Of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls with the last being City of Heavenly Fire that is not yet published (ahhhhh) expected out in March 2014. They are making a movie but I am hesitant, I saw who is to play Jace and he is too pretty. Oh well, we will have to see.

What I like about these stories  is that they take the reader into another world. They are so easy to get lost in. The books are long but a fast read with some great character development. I enjoyed myself.

Family was the focus that I got from the first three in particular. Can you choose your family? How does your family affect you? How do they affect the person you will become? Can you really shake their influence if it wasn't very good? What is family? Last, how do you know if something is really evil?

These stories are filled with teen angst, but unlike Twilight, the main characters do something. They save the world and fight demons! Not a classic story but one that is enjoyable, very fun to read!

From what I understand, the first 3 books were meant to end the series but Clare decided to take it further with the last 3. She ran the risk of making it obvious that she meant to end the series and then wanted to make more money so she took it further, which usually means that the last three books are not as good. She didn't, the books do flow and the events do go together. New challenges and new reasons for the two main characters to not live a calm life. I love how the outer characters were developed in this last series, Isabelle in particular. She does a lot in the other books but later the story is told from her eyes for a while and it was great to get to know her and her take on what was happening.

The Infernal Devices Series: Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince and the soon to be released Clockwork Princess in March 2013.

I started to read these because I was going through withdrawal from the first series. I actually think that I like these stories better. It is set in Victorian England with the Institute in London. Her main character is now a Downworlder (not Shadowhunter or human, vampies, warewolves, warlocks etc) with a power she doesn't understand who is taken in by the Institute to help her and for her to help them. There are two boys there. There, our female Downworlder has a choice between two very different but great men. There are curses, poisonings, addictions and marriage, plus a woman in charge of the Institute, love her! Once again, family is called into question and what makes a family. Ready for the next book.

My issue with these books for my students is how long they are. They will see how long it is and then not try to read it. I was thinking about trying to break the books apart for my students. I don't want to mess with copyright laws but I need to find a way to trick my students... :-)

Good, enjoyable books that are fun to read.

truth... :)

Next, I am going to give The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand another shot. I know that many people either love Ayn Rand or hate her. I read this book in high school and thought it was ok. I am going to give it another shot and see if there is something that I missed.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Something on the Lighter Side

Two posts in one day? Radical!!!

I just returned from a trip with my family to New Mexico which was wonderful. Driving from Wichita, Kansas to Taos, New Mexico takes about 11 hours, which gives one a decent time to read. My brother and I were in one car and he ended up driving most of the way while I was in charge of music and entertainment. I finished my book by then end of the weekend.

yes I do!

After the denseness (yep it is a  word, my computer didn't underline it!) of Love in the Time of Cholera, I needed something a little lighter so I found Ellen DeGeneres' new book Seriously... I am Kidding. This will be a short blog since the best thing that I can say is that the book is a feel-good-book and if you need to feel good and to laugh... read it. Done!

Love in the Time of Don't Bother-a

Well I told you that I was not trying to make a snap judgment on the this book but it came true. I am not a fan of Love in the Time of Cholera. The premise of the story sounded really interesting. Two young people meet and fall in "love" (in my head it was lust, they were both really pretty) but then as time goes on she falls out of love and marries a man for his money and good name. He spends 59 years yearning after her, which should be romantic but I found myself thinking, "dude, she said no. No, what could she mean by no? I don't know she is being so unclear." He does not marry, he has numerous affairs, one with a 15 year old when he was in his 60's but this was supposed to be "saving himself for her." If a guy told me that he had saved himself for me but had numerous affairs and one night stands with random women, I would.... well let me just start with the idea of the story then I will get into my thoughts about it.

So the story. Two young people meet in a country that is being torn apart by civil war and cholera is threatening the general population. They fall in love even though neither had "good" names, she was higher than he was. Her father was not a fan and took her away for a few years in order to make her forget. Before she leaves, she agrees to marry him but by the time she returns, she realizes that she really doesn't love him and breaks it off. Then he gets sad, writes a lot of poetry, and sleeps with many women. She gets married to a rich doctor and does well, she is a "good wife" a little outspoken, but a good wife. They have kids and he gets popular and the family is well known around the town. Meanwhile (back in the cave of darkness) the lost lover sleeps with women older, younger, crazy (no really she escaped from an asylum), he even gets a woman killed by her husband by writing on her with a marker (genius). Then when Fermina's husband dies (falling off a ladder while trying to catch his parrot) the lost lover makes another attempt. After her husband's funeral, he still tells her that he is in love. I will make you read the rest.

First of all. He tries to get with Fermina one day after her husband has died, saying that I still love you even if I haven't spoken to you in 59 years. You have no idea who she is. Being a stalker and following her through her life does not mean that you know her. Plus, really? At her husband's funeral? Classy.

The story starts from the viewpoint of Fermina's husband, which I really liked. Yes, something that I liked. It would be really easy to hate the husband and root for the lost lover. However the tale of his death was almost the most moving part of the novel. As he is dying, he looks up to his wife and says, "you have no idea how much I have loved you." The two of them spent a lifetime together, through thick and thin. She did what she wanted and he cheated but they stayed, fighting. They lived a lifetime together, taking care of each other.

Last, every event in the story is told and retold by both the main characters so the reader got the entire story from each of their points of view. However... there was no warning when the point of view would change so there were times when so much was going on that your eyes crossed and the book was put down.

Bah! Happy that the book is finished. Had some interesting parts and the writing was interesting, I just didn't really like the story... or at all.

Next, I need a break. Ellen DeGeneres... Seriously...I am Kidding

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Where to go from here?

So I figured out how to delete my blog and I almost did it. I have discovered as I read that I have little to say that anyone else wants to read. I am a teacher, reading books and talking about it. Not exactly going to get me my own TV show. So there I was. I had my mouse on the button and I couldn't push it. So no matter how many times I post or how many people post back, I am keeping my blog. Why? I really don't know but I got my answer when I suddenly didn't want to delete it.
Reading... more important than you think...

I have gone off the list, gasp! sigh! I know. I just discovered other books that I wanted to read. Since summer has begun and it is REALLY HOT here in Kansas, I have been staying in my cool, clean house, not spending money and reading. So far since Lord of the Rings, I have read, A Remarkable Woman- The Biography of Katherine Hepburn. Wicked and City of Bones. I have a few things to say about each and then a short rant about our Public Library.

Actually, the rant first. My husband and I are trying to save for a down payment on a house. This means not spending any more money then we have to in order to live. That means for a girl with some free time, staying home and reading. Netflix is only entertaining for so long! This also means that I shouldn't be buying new books for my Nook, so I went to our library. There are several here in Wichita and I went to my childhood library, I don't live right next to it anymore but my work is out there and my parents still live close so I can always give books to my mom to return for me. Since there are so many branches, they trade books back and forth so you can ask for at particular book, the library will find it for you and get it so you can check it out from them! Great! Well I went to get the second book after City of Bones and they didn't have it. So I got Love in the Time of Cholera and went to request the other and then check out. The lady behind the counter was not to happy when I asked to reserve a book. She gestured over to the computers and said, "Don't you know how to work our system? You can do it yourself you know." I was completely taken back and told her that was fine, took my book and left. I get on the website only to discover that if you already have a library card, you can't get on their new fancy system, you have to get another. Doesn't that seem like a waste? Ok, so now that I have typed all this out, it doesn't seem like a big deal. However, I just want my book and I don't want to pay for it. Is that so much to ask?

I love this woman.

A Remarkable Woman- Biography of Katherine Hepburn. I found this book on the bookshelf of my parents' house and started to flip through it. I took it home with me after lunch and I really enjoyed this book. She was a very strong woman, a little crazy and an inspiration to me. She did what she wanted, no matter what the audience, her peers or the House Un-American Activities thought of her. I want to be half as strong as she was. A good, inspiring read!

Wicked (Broadway) Poster (11 x 17 Inches - 28cm x 44cm) () Style A MasterPoster Print, 11x17

This was a book that I started reading in high school and really didn't like it. So it sat on my shelf for a while until I was ready to give it another shot. The second time was the charm, I found myself drawn into this book. It is a heavy read, lots of political and moral undertones. Are people born wicked or do they have wickedness given to them? My students love to say, "haters gonna hate" but when do those haters get to define who you are? That is the question that this book poses. Good read that makes you think.

City of Bones [Book]

After the heaviness of Wicked I was ready for a bit of a lighter read. Connected to Facebook is a website called Goodbooks, on it one of my friends was raving about this book. So I decided to give it a try. It was pretty good. It took a bit to get going but after many twists and turns you arrived safely, only to be left hanging since the series goes on for at least 4 more books and she is currently writing another. I will read the series, I enjoyed this book, but I am not going to rush out and throw elbows to get it.

Next is Love in the Time of Cholera, which is on my list. (yay!)

"Love in the Time of Cholera? More like Love in the Time of don't bother-a."
Robin Scherbasky How I Met Your Mother 

(I am not forming an opinion yet, I just really like this line.)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gross things

I recently went camping at a camp near Ark City Kansas. This particular camp is located next to the river, surrounded by trees and on a hill. There are some amazing bike rides and hikes and camping to be had. There are also a lot of bugs and poison ivy. I am usually pretty careful but I seemed to have dropped the ball with this trip. I wore bug spray, I had socks and shoes on but I still got poison ivy and some nasty bug bites. I am talking rashes and bug bites that prevent me from putting shoes on. Lucky for me, it is summer and I did not have to go to school. I have spent a few days in the house with the AC on and a fan pointed directly at my feet. I spent a lot of time on Pinterest and my fridge is now housing some great things. I cleaned out the fridge and did some much needed dishes. These past few weeks have been so crazy that I am sad to say that I neglected the house for a bit. Well no more!!

We got some great knives for our wedding a while back and today I was cleaning one of those knives (since I have been told that the washing machine will make your knives dull in a hurry.) I managed to run the blade of the knife next to my finger and it left its mark. Now before you freak out and think that I sliced off my finger, I didn't. It is really a small cut, and a really great knife. The point of all this is the top of the band aid box that I used to bandage my poor, poor finger. The top of this box said, "You are going to be just fine!" Now I know that the box is not a doctor and they really don't know if you are going to be fine but I still felt pretty good reading that.

Since I have had all these rashes I have been on the internet a lot trying to figure out the best way to tackle it. Many medical websites will make you feel that you are on death's door because of a bug bite. Not the band-aid box, it was re-assuring! It said, "You cut your finger, you be smart and take care of it, you will be fine."

P.S. My finger is doing a lot better, as are all of my assorted rashes and bites. I am on steroids now!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Lord of the Rings!!


 Truth is that this year at school, this semester has sort of sucked. When you become a teacher they give you this little schematic that shows how you should feel as a first year teacher. First, in the fall, you are excited and idealistic then as the year progresses, you become a little disillusioned and wonder if you made the right choice in careers. Then you begin to learn and to climb out of the negativity. By the end of your first year, you are a happy camper and a more experienced teacher. Let me just tell you that no one ever tells you about your second year of teaching. As a first year teacher you are simply trying to keep your head above water and keep your kids learning. Now, in your second year, you realize the mistakes that you made your first year and want to fix them. Let me tell you, that is a lot more work. I spent a lot of time being very,very angry at the world. I really struggled. I had some challenging behaviors this year that I didn't have last year. My I-Pod was stolen and I had my first student arrested on drug charges. But now I am three days away from a summer break that I really need, and I am a stronger teacher for it.

Correction, I am now officially on Summer break and looking forward to reading some amazing books and just being me. Not the teacher me, not Mrs. P, just me. The husband and I have camping trips, regular trips planned and in a few short weeks we will be riding across Kansas (blogs on that are promised, that is something I don't ever want to forget). So now I am back and reading to post on what little reading I was able to do this crazy, crazy year! 

There are no words!

I started The Lord of the Rings trilogy a while ago, after I had finished The Hobbit and now I am almost 100 pages from the end of The Return of the King. The truth is that I have started tons of different blog posts on this topic but there are just no words for it. I love these books. I am so tired when I get home and finally get to go to bed that it is wonderful to fall asleep reading this book. 

So in conclusion, I am not going to say much about this book at all. In truth I don't want to. I am worried that whatever I have to say, will not do this book justice. So I am just going to read and enjoy. This is a book about a time and a place with men and elves and hobbits and wizards strive to destroy the most pure form of evil. These men are gallant, swearing their lives to good and to a good cause. People are not like that anymore. There are no Aragorns, no Frodos and certainly no Sams. We can all be like these characters and we can all be like Sauron. It is up to your attitude. it is all up to you. 

Sauron, Sauroff

I don't know what book will be next. It will be a surprise!!