Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas and Other Thoughts

You thought you could get away... But I am back!!!!

If I have to come right out and say it, I am disappointed in my blog. I imagined this grand site like on the Julie and Julia Project. I mean think about it, the premise is the same!! Needless to say, it isn't turning out quite like I imagined. But now I see that my imagination was flawed. Really, I expected a lot. Too much. My mom would say that is just like me. I expect a lot from myself and the people around me. When I do something I want it to be on a grand scale but that simply isn't going to happen. Honestly, after dealing with high schoolers all day, it is exhausting to come home and be witty on the internet. So I have slacked on the blog, but I realized that the thing that I enjoy most is the reading. I am really enjoying the books I have read so far and the blogging is just something I am doing to keep track. I have just finished Gone with the Wind, but more on that later because with an epic book, it deserves and epic blog post. Let me just say, this book was epic!

I need to cover some things. First of all, I am letting go of how many followers I have or how many comments I get. I will do my part and put it out there better then I have been and I would really like for people to comment back. It makes me feel loved. No pressure, I know that I am loved, I also know that my blog topic is not one that people get too excited about, just nerds like me. So fellow nerds, POST! Those non-nerds, feel free to read and laugh at my ridiculousness... just go for it!

Second, I have joined the modern, electronic age. That is right folks, I am now reading my books on a super-cool Barnes and Noble Nook Color. My husband decided to take a trip to Colorado when he and a friend of his had a week off, which left me at home in one of the most stressful parts of the semester. I had a 20 page paper due for my masters class and I was wrapping up the semester with a group of students that just REALLY wanted to be done. (yes, yes, I know Dr. Gibson, cakes and cookies are done, people are finished... but... deal with it!) I think that he felt bad for me so he did something that he knew would make me happy, he bought me a Nook. Isn't he wonderful?! Truth is, it was terrible at first. Here I was with this HUGE paper to finish and all I wanted to do was open that Nook and read... Terrible problem, right? Long story short, I finally finished that boring paper and the first night of Winter Break found me at home with my Nook and hot chocolate. I am not going to join in the debate about which is better: I-pad, Kindle Fire or the Nook, simply because I don't care! Get what works best for you and shut up and read! :-)

Last, New Years Resolutions. I was reading a friends update on Facebook and she was talking about New Year's Resolutions and I groaned. I always have such high hopes for myself. (shocking, I know) I set these lofty goals and then get sad when they don't turn out like I imagined. So I am making a New Year's Resolution about my New Year's Resolutions: this year I am going to keep it simple. I am going to set goals that I can reach, and by golly, I am going to (try) and stick to them!!!
1: My husband and I bought a trainer for our bikes, I am going to use it at least 3 times a week and be ready for Bike Across Kansas.
2: I am going to cut down on how much sugar I eat. (I could say that I will no longer eat sugar but that is one of those goals that will be broken, I like sugar. However, I can cut it down! I don't need cookies and candy every day!)
3: (Ok this one is a big one) I am going to learn to let things go. There are things that I cannot control and that is something I need to give up. I can't do everything. I will give 100% of me, if that isn't good enough for them... well... they can go eat a cookie. (yes kids, "cookie" in this sense means something else entirely.)

So there you have it. My return to the blog-o-sphere.


  1. You GO girl! And send all that extra sugar you are not eating my way!! Love you!

  2. After I started my blog, a fellow blogger, whom I admired, gave me some advice in a comment to one of my posts. He said to do the blog for my own purposes and not to let someone else, or my own perception of what someone else might want to see, dictate what I do with the blog. In other words, just do whatever you want to with it. It may evolve over time. So be it. Do not be disappointed in it. People will recognize the value and quality and continue to come back for more.

    I say, Keep up the Good Work!
