Friday, March 9, 2012

Thoughts on a Bike Ride

Today was an interesting day. We have had a difficult couple of weeks at my school. State testing, family problems with students and students in general just wanting it to be Spring Break. On the upside it has been a lot warmer these past couple of days so I can go outside. Yesterday I went running and today I fought the 40 mph winds and went for a bike ride. On this bike ride, I had some interesting thoughts.

First of all. We are working at school on noticing our positive to negative interactions with the students. How much to they hear of us saying negative things to them? How can we get the same results but be positive instead of negative? I thought what if that applied to yourself as well. I have been told time and time again that I am my own worst critic. I always took that as a point of pride, but it really isn't. If you cannot be positive about yourself then who else can? My husband and I are doing Bike Across Kansas this summer and I am sad to say that on some days when we go riding I find myself in the back of the line, cussing at the others in my head. Did I mention that I am ultra-competitive? What if instead of getting mad, I decided to take the advice that we are getting at school and focus on what I am doing well. I started counting sign posts that I passed. I also made a point of looking back and see how far I have gone.

Ok, this is the part where I get a little religious, or spiritual, whichever you prefer. If you don't want to read about my musings over a higher deity then stop here. Remember that movie, V for Vendetta? They say that God is in the rain. Well, I am going to change that a bit. I think that God is in the wind. Here in Kansas there is a lot of wind, today was no exception. I chose this day to ride out for 10 miles in 40 mph winds. So I found myself fighting 40 mph winds and at times getting pushed by 40 mph winds. If we extend our metaphor, that means that I spent part of the evening fighting God and being pushed by God. In both cases, I really like to be pushed more! However, it isn't until you push that you figure out the real power. When you are getting pushed by the wind, you don't really notice that it is there, or the real power of it. However, when you turn, and face it, wow... it is there. The crazy thing is that even when you are facing into the wind, there is still something back there, pushing. Wind whips around, I believe that the wind that is pushing, is God. Not the wind that you are facing.  Isn't that like life? Sometimes you have to face the wind, face the trails that are out there for you, knowing that God will be there pushing. So through all the stuff that is going on right now at school and the death of someone I really looked up to, I know that God is back there pushing. I found myself smiling, even when facing the wind. I am sore, tired and wanting a shower, but I am still smiling.

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