Sunday, November 6, 2011

November is for Birthdays and Thanksgiving

Repeat after me America, "It is not Christmas." good, and again, "IT IS NOT CHRISTMAS!!" Ok now, can we get the Christmas music to stop playing in the mall, the decorations back in their boxes for another couple of weeks. Let's give Thanksgiving its due month. Now don't get me wrong, I like Christmas. In fact, I LOVE Christmas. Christmas has it's own smell, it's own excitement and it's own meaning. But I really like Thanksgiving and I like taking the time to be thankful for the things that are around us.

One of my old professors from college, who I want to be when I grow up, started on November 1, posting everyday one thing that she has been thankful for. So I decided to follow suit. I have a lot of blessings in my life, and I want to make sure that I acknowledge every one of them. That is what this month is for. That and gorging yourself on food, and celebrating birthday's and other special events.

November is the month of birthday's, my father's, my best friend's and several other close friends have their birthday's in this wonderful month. Not to mention my own birthday. So add cake to all the other things that make this month great. :-)

November also brings my wedding anniversary. One year ago, my husband and I were officially married. We both agree that it didn't bring about the difference that we thought it would, mostly because we really had been married for several years before. We already made our life together and while it was fun to have a day where I get to wear a great dress and marry my best friend (I know that is cliche, but true) our marriage began a few years before. That doesn't make me any less grateful for today. I get to wake up next to the best man I could ever wish for, I get to come home to his hugs, I get to talk with him when things get rough, and I get to laugh with him when things get funny (and they do!) He is one of the few people in this world who actually knows me, and still loves me. I love him more than I can express and I love knowing that he is by my side and I am by his. Happy One Year Anniversary! I love you!

I like to see lists, so in order to bring this to a close, I am going to add to my list everyday. Here are the things that I am thankful for this month:
Day 1: I missed this day (way to begin, eh?)
Day 2: I am thankful for big, encouraging hugs when my day doesn't go as planned.
Day 3: I am thankful for High 5's!
Day 4: I am thankful for caring co-workers.
Day 5: I am thankful for awesome clocks that sit on my mantle and dutifully chime every 15 minutes!
Day 6: I am thankful for my husband. (That one was easy! Happy Anniversary!)
Day 7: I am thankful for rain, thunder and lightening.. Even if it makes the students crazy!!
Day 8: I am thankful for my car. She starts at the push of a button and has never let me down! I have had her for 6 1/2 years and am hoping for a lot more!
Day 9: I am thankful for my big brother! He is always there when I need him!
Day 10: I am thankful for my home. I love my little place!!! It is a great place to come home to when it is clean and comfortable!!
Day 11: It's a two-for!! I am thankful for all the men and women in our armed forces. I am also thankful for a break!

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