Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ask Alice, when she's 10 feet tall

Psst. If you want to bulk up your belief in yourself and your reading, read a children's book! I flew through this book in no time flat because I could take out a huge chunk at one time! Look at me GO!

The truth is that I am really far behind in my blogging but that is ok, no one is reading it anyway. It may sound like I am whining but do not let that confuse you. I really could care less. I am reading these books and blogging to make ME happy. I got sent home from work yesterday. No really. My head of department took one look at me, asked me what was wrong and after I completely exploded all of my crazy all over her, she told me that my health was paramount and that I have seven minutes to exit the building, go home, make some tea, go to bed and sleep. I was so grateful that of course I started crying all over again. But I did, I went home and went to sleep. I tried to get some reading of Gone with the Wind finished but my headache wouldnt' let me. I had my cats, I had some tea and I slept. I realized something. I cannot take care of everyone and I need to take some time for myself. Remember those summer resolutions that I did, well I am doing ok on those. I am going to do better and I am adding one more. I am going to take at least and hour every day for me. Go to the gym and read on the treadmill, ride my bike, ANYTHING!! Or I am  going to go crazier then I already am.

Speaking of crazy, let's talk a bit about Alice. I really didn't like the movie when I was growing up. The cat really gave me the creeps. and I refused to watch it. In fact I am still surprised that this book was written to be a children's book. Some of the things that happen are a little strange. Reading now, as a "mature" reader was kind of interesting, I knew what was going to happen and it wasn't very exciting but it was relaxing! Plus, it had pretty pictures which made the time fly!

I teach this book at the beginning of the year when I am always waiting on supplies for the program that I teach. They have readers for it that take the reading level down and make it easier for them to understand. Many of them still didn't get it. They could not imagine what it would be like to fall down and not land for a while. They cannot imagine talking to a dormouse. In order to help them with this, I have them do a lot of assignments where they must draw what they think it looks like, This helped them a lot.

I really don't have much to say about Alice, I am sure there is a deeper meaning planted in the story but I didn't get it. honestly I didn't try. I wanted it read and crossed off my list. There, my confession is now complete. I have never really enjoyed this story, I am glad that I read it, but my life is not enriched by a story that a man dreamed up while on some drug induced stupor. It never grabbed my attention.

So, sorry Alice, but I was more than excited to move on to my next adventure, Memoirs of a Geisha.

( I know, no pictures with this one, I really am not trying hard! lol)  

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