Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Help

Are you a Hilly or a Skeeter?

This book needs to be in the BBC Top 100 books, so get on it BBC. Truth is that I know that I am behind the times. This book has already been turned into a movie (a large honor placed on a book now days!) I had been told to read this book by many people but I was in the middle of my list and could not be disturbed. Well it was worth the break and I am really glad that I did it.

So back to the original question, are you a Hilly or a Skeeter? I hope that I would have been just like Skeeter but the truth is, would I have that much guts? I am nowhere near the level of Aibileen or Minny, I definatly would not have been able to do what they did. I struggle to be comfortable with the people around me. They put their story out at one of the most dangerous time for a maid to do so.

Nature vs Nurture. Is Skeeter who she is because of Constentine? Skeeter was raised by her and she grew up to become someone who could give up what she thought she wanted in order to serve the greater good. I have hope for Mae Mobley, becuase of Aibileen she could have respect for all people, not just the ones that have the same skin color as her. She loved Aibileen, and her mother didn't show her any attention. That may have made a bigger difference in Mae Mobley's life then any novel could have done. That love and that bond will hopefully last for a very long time.

I am not going to tell a lot about what happens in the story becuase I honestly want you to go out and read it if you have not already.

My perfect pairing for this book is in a classroom while you should be grading but cannot put the book down. To be honest that is where I read a good amount of this book. Confession complete.
The purpose of the book that was written by Minny, Aibileen, and Skeeter was to show that deep down we are all the same. There isn't a lot that separates us and people. It doesn't matter about the color of your skin or where you come from. Deep down, we are all the same. That is a message that can go beyond the story written in this novel, or even the message this novel gives it's reader. Deep down we all have our own joys, our own pain and our own happiness.

So the choice is ours, be a Hilly? A woman who is so afraid of others that she feels she must control everything? Who won't open her eyes to the wonderful things happening around her? Or will you be Skeeter, Aibileen or Minny? Will you stand up and fight for what is right, even if it means losing sometimes? Will I? It is a choice that we all make every day.

Next up is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

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