Thursday, September 22, 2011

Return to Reading

      Whew, it has been a crazy month. Taking on Anna and starting school again. I had honestly forgotten how much work it is to start school and how much time it takes and how engrossed I can become in my students. Last year didn't really feel like my first year of teaching. Sure I had some bumps in the road but this year seems a whole lot bumpier. I can't seem to get my feet underneath me. So I kept trying, I kept staying late and getting things done but no matter what, my list kept growing and growing. It has been getting to the point where all I do it go to school, then come home and do nothing. I am also taking classes so any spare time I have now is spent on that. It was pretty bleak!
      However, I have now come to the realization that I need to do what I like too. I was telling my brother that he needed to take time for himself and then the very next day, I went to school at 7 and left a little after 6. Take your own advice Mrs. P. So I am. Back to blogging and more importantly, back to biking and reading!
      Well on to Anna, I had read it a long time ago but I had forgotten a lot about what happened. It was really interesting to go back and read it again. I read it while I was in college and single, now I am in Graduate school and married. It is amazing how much a story can change based on the mindset of the person who is reading it. I liked it when I had first read it and now I still like it, just for different reasons.
      First of all, there is a theme, what happens when passion dies and you actually have to face living and being with each other. In some cases, a friendship will form and you will still compliment each other. In other cases, passion simply dies and you are left hating and resenting each other. Vroskey and Anna are carried away by their passion for each other, but in the end are left progressivly hating each other day by day, until one cannot stand it anymore. Pretty bleak outlook on life and love, but hey, there it is!
      As I was doing my normal search for pictures I saw that Keira Knightenly is going to play Anna in a new film adaptation. The same person that directed Attonement is going to direct this one. Jude Law looks like he may play Vronsky. Um, ok, I guess no one else has read the book. Anna is older than Vronsky, by not a little. Can Keira look old enough and can Jude look young enough? (oh who am I kidding, I love him) I always thought that Angelina Jolie would be a good Anna, but I got outvoted, darn!
      I love this novel. I like it even more now. So many other romantic novels focus on the chase and the winning of the girl or guy. This novel has this as well, in the story between Kitty and Levin. But it also tells an important part. The fighting and the changing that a person must do after they get married and give themselves to each other. As a newlywed, I really liked that. I can relate to it, the movies hardly ever tell you that after you get the guy, there is still a lot of work to do!
      I was going to read Pillars of the Earth now, since I have read Anna and can cross it off my list. I could not get into it. I kept drifting off and thinking about something else then I would realize that I had no idea what was happening. So then I would have to go back and re-read. I decided to go rogue and read something not on the list! (gasp, sigh!)
      On to The Help!

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